Friday, February 14, 2020

Some Literary Valentines

So we already know that Heathcliffe would use you for long-game revenge against his ex and that Darcy would insult your family at first then come around. This year you’re getting some Valentines from literary characters you didn’t expect.

Enjolras (Les Misérables)

My dearest,

Your beauty is beyond compare, unless I were to compare it to the fire sparked by Lamarque in the people. No sound is more melodious than your voice, unless it be the singing of the people as they rise in revolution. No smell is sweeter than your perfume, unless it be that of the sweat of my comrades behind the barricade. No color is brighter than that of your eyes, unless it be RED, THE BLOOD OF ANGRY MEN.

Vive la France,

Nino Sarratore (The Neapolitan Novels)

[literally just the full text of Blank Space by Taylor Swift, cause baby I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream, and we WILL take this way too far]

Molly Bloom (Ulysses)

my mountain flower come to me at ten o’clock no stupid husbands jealousy will tell me no because O there is a flower that bloometh O and my heart going like mad O please do say youll come say yes I said yes I will Yes.

Lilith Iyapo (The Xenogenesis/Lilith’s Brood Trilogy)

Roses are red
Life on pre-apocalyptic earth was pain
Look, it’s going to take five of us to make a baby, Nikanj will explain.

Mary Katherine Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)

Valentine, said Merricat, would you like a cup of tea?
Say yes, Valentine, that you’ll drink it with me.
All my other Valentines are dead.


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